Free Pancake Dinner - February 13 from 5-7 PM
Ash Wednesday - February 14
Palm Sunday - March 24
Maundy Thursday - March 28
Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary
(Online services will be available at noon)
Good Friday - March 29 - Church office will be closed
(The chapel will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM for prayer)
Easter Sunday - March 31
Sunrise Service at 8 AM (Breakfast will follow Sunrise Service)
Sunday School at 9:30 AM - Worship at 10:45 AM
(Online Worship at 10:30 AM)
National Day of Prayer - May 2
Mother's Day - May 12
Pentecost - May 19 (wear red)
Memorial Day - May 27
Summer Services Begin - June 2 - Worship at 9:30 AM in the Chapel
WV-UMC Annual Conference - Buckhannon - June 6 - 9
Father's Day - June 16
Independence Day - Thursday, July 4
Return to regular services in the Sanctuary - September 1 - Worship at 10:45 AM
Back to School Blast - August 6 at Jim Spence Center
World Communion Sunday - October 6
UWF Bazaar - October 19
Undie Sunday - October 20
All Saints Day - November 3
Veterans Day - November 11
Community Thanksgiving Dinner - November 18
Angel Tree - November 24
Thanksgiving - November 28
First Sunday - December 1
Deliver White Gifts - December 21
Christmas Lunch - December 15 (after church)
Christmas Eve Service - 11 PM
Special Sundays for our church - 2024
WV Ministerial Education Fund [DISTRICT FUND] - January 17 - Supports seminary students from the West Virginia Annual Conference
COME [OFFERING] - February 7 (First of 2 offerings) Supports the mission projects and church and
community workers in WV
COME [OFFERING] - March 28 (Second of 2 offerings) Supports the mission projects and church and
community workers in WV
One Great Hour of Sharing [OFFERING] - April 11 - Supports the work of United Methodist
Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
Crossroads Camp [OFFERING] - May 16 - Supports our camp and retreat center for the Little Kanawha
District of the UMC.
Backpacks for Students [COLLECTION] - June 13 - Collect Backpacks for Pleasants County
Students--to be distributed at the Back to School Blast in August
Hunger in WV [OFFERING] - July 11 - Supports grants given to UMC projects/agencies/programs/ churches that work to alleviate hunger in WV.
Campus Ministry Sunday [OFFERING] - August 8 - Supports the work of the WV Conference Student
Movement and campus ministry units.
Golden Cross Sunday [OFFERING] - August 29 - Supports the health and welfare agency (Burlington) in the WV Conference
Native American Sunday [OFFERING] - September 19 - Supports ministries with Native Americans
and provides scholarships for Native Americans attending seminary.
World Communion Sunday [OFFERING] - October 3 - Supports scholarships for ethnic students through the General Church Office of Loans and Scholarships.
Undie Sunday [COLLECTION] - October 17 - Collect new underwear for distribution to clothes closets of our conference mission projects.
Day of Remembrance [OFFERING] - October 31 - Supports the WV-UMC disaster response depot and
supports laity training.
United Methodist Student Day [OFFERING] - November 28 - Supports scholarships and loans for
students administered through the General Church Office of Loans and Scholarships.
White Gifts [COLLECTION OF ITEMS] - December - Non perishable food items and paper products
will be collected for the Christmas Baskets. Monetary gifts will be used to purchase needed items for the baskets.
Free Pancake Dinner - February 13 from 5-7 PM
Ash Wednesday - February 14
Palm Sunday - March 24
Maundy Thursday - March 28
Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary
(Online services will be available at noon)
Good Friday - March 29 - Church office will be closed
(The chapel will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM for prayer)
Easter Sunday - March 31
Sunrise Service at 8 AM (Breakfast will follow Sunrise Service)
Sunday School at 9:30 AM - Worship at 10:45 AM
(Online Worship at 10:30 AM)
National Day of Prayer - May 2
Mother's Day - May 12
Pentecost - May 19 (wear red)
Memorial Day - May 27
Summer Services Begin - June 2 - Worship at 9:30 AM in the Chapel
WV-UMC Annual Conference - Buckhannon - June 6 - 9
Father's Day - June 16
Independence Day - Thursday, July 4
Return to regular services in the Sanctuary - September 1 - Worship at 10:45 AM
Back to School Blast - August 6 at Jim Spence Center
World Communion Sunday - October 6
UWF Bazaar - October 19
Undie Sunday - October 20
All Saints Day - November 3
Veterans Day - November 11
Community Thanksgiving Dinner - November 18
Angel Tree - November 24
Thanksgiving - November 28
First Sunday - December 1
Deliver White Gifts - December 21
Christmas Lunch - December 15 (after church)
Christmas Eve Service - 11 PM
Special Sundays for our church - 2024
WV Ministerial Education Fund [DISTRICT FUND] - January 17 - Supports seminary students from the West Virginia Annual Conference
COME [OFFERING] - February 7 (First of 2 offerings) Supports the mission projects and church and
community workers in WV
COME [OFFERING] - March 28 (Second of 2 offerings) Supports the mission projects and church and
community workers in WV
One Great Hour of Sharing [OFFERING] - April 11 - Supports the work of United Methodist
Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
Crossroads Camp [OFFERING] - May 16 - Supports our camp and retreat center for the Little Kanawha
District of the UMC.
Backpacks for Students [COLLECTION] - June 13 - Collect Backpacks for Pleasants County
Students--to be distributed at the Back to School Blast in August
Hunger in WV [OFFERING] - July 11 - Supports grants given to UMC projects/agencies/programs/ churches that work to alleviate hunger in WV.
Campus Ministry Sunday [OFFERING] - August 8 - Supports the work of the WV Conference Student
Movement and campus ministry units.
Golden Cross Sunday [OFFERING] - August 29 - Supports the health and welfare agency (Burlington) in the WV Conference
Native American Sunday [OFFERING] - September 19 - Supports ministries with Native Americans
and provides scholarships for Native Americans attending seminary.
World Communion Sunday [OFFERING] - October 3 - Supports scholarships for ethnic students through the General Church Office of Loans and Scholarships.
Undie Sunday [COLLECTION] - October 17 - Collect new underwear for distribution to clothes closets of our conference mission projects.
Day of Remembrance [OFFERING] - October 31 - Supports the WV-UMC disaster response depot and
supports laity training.
United Methodist Student Day [OFFERING] - November 28 - Supports scholarships and loans for
students administered through the General Church Office of Loans and Scholarships.
White Gifts [COLLECTION OF ITEMS] - December - Non perishable food items and paper products
will be collected for the Christmas Baskets. Monetary gifts will be used to purchase needed items for the baskets.